SQL [select "ws"."word" from ( select "w"."word", "w"."lang_order_by", "w"."lang_complexities", "levenshtein_less_equal"( cast("w"."word" as text), cast(lower(?) as text), cast(? as int) ) as "lev" from "mview_ww_word_search" as "w" where ( "w"."sgroup" = ? and "levenshtein_less_equal"( cast("w"."crit" as text), cast(lower(?) as text), cast(? as int) ) <= ? ) union all select "aw"."word", "aw"."lang_order_by", "aw"."lang_complexities", "levenshtein_less_equal"( cast("aw"."word" as text), cast(lower(?) as text), cast(? as int) ) as "lev" from "mview_ww_word_search" as "aw" where ( "aw"."sgroup" = ? and "levenshtein_less_equal"( cast("aw"."crit" as text), cast(lower(?) as text), cast(? as int) ) <= ? ) ) as "ws" where exists ( select ? from unnest("ws"."lang_complexities") as "lc" ("lang", "dataset_code", "lex_complexity", "data_complexity") where ( "lc"."lex_complexity" in ( ?, ? ) and "lc"."data_complexity" in ( ?, ? ) and "lc"."dataset_code" = ? ) ) order by "ws"."lang_order_by", "ws"."lev" limit ?]; ERROR: levenshtein argument exceeds maximum length of 255 characters
org.jooq.exception.DataAccessException: SQL [select "ws"."word" from ( select "w"."word", "w"."lang_order_by", "w"."lang_complexities", "levenshtein_less_equal"( cast("w"."word" as text), cast(lower(?) as text), cast(? as int) ) as "lev" from "mview_ww_word_search" as "w" where ( "w"."sgroup" = ? and "levenshtein_less_equal"( cast("w"."crit" as text), cast(lower(?) as text), cast(? as int) ) <= ? ) union all select "aw"."word", "aw"."lang_order_by", "aw"."lang_complexities", "levenshtein_less_equal"( cast("aw"."word" as text), cast(lower(?) as text), cast(? as int) ) as "lev" from "mview_ww_word_search" as "aw" where ( "aw"."sgroup" = ? and "levenshtein_less_equal"( cast("aw"."crit" as text), cast(lower(?) as text), cast(? as int) ) <= ? ) ) as "ws" where exists ( select ? from unnest("ws"."lang_complexities") as "lc" ("lang", "dataset_code", "lex_complexity", "data_complexity") where ( "lc"."lex_complexity" in ( ?, ? ) and "lc"."data_complexity" in ( ?, ? ) and "lc"."dataset_code" = ? ) ) order by "ws"."lang_order_by", "ws"."lev" limit ?]; ERROR: levenshtein argument exceeds maximum length of 255 characters