taktikatasandi logistika, mille raames osutatakse üksustele nende lahinguvõime ja jätkusuutlikkuse tagamiseks toetust kas juurdeantud või koosseisuliste vahenditega,
the support provided to combat forces, primarily in the fields of administration and logistics
Hea teada
Lahinguteenindus ja operatsioonitoetus moodustavad operatsioonilogistika.
Lahinguteeninduse peamised funktsioonid on a) varustamine; b) transport; c) remont ja hooldus; d) väliteenistus; e) meditsiinitoetus.
Combat service support may include, but is not limited to, administrative services, chaplaincy, civil affairs, financial, legal, medical and health services, military police, supply, maintenance, transportation, construction, acquisition and disposal of real estate, facilities engineering, topographic and geodetic engineering, food services, graves registration, laundry and dry cleaning services, sanitary installations, and property disposal.
This Combat Service Support includes administrative services, chaplain, civil affairs, finance, legal, medical and health, military police, supply, maintenance, transportation, construction, troop construction, acquisition and disposal of real property, facilities engineering, topographic and geodetic engineering, food service, graves registration, laundry, dry cleaning, bath, property disposal, and other logistic services.